European Roulette Layout

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Roulette Table Layout
European Roulette Free
European Roulette Wheel
Online Roulette Cheat Sheet Table Layout: American and European Bets Rules and Advantages of the Strategy Download Roulette Cheat Sheet Roulette Odds & Payouts European Bets European Table Layout American Table Layout Straight-up: when you bet on a single number. European Roulette 1 in 37 1 in 18.5 1 in 12.3 1 in 9.25 1 in 7.4 1 in 6.2 1 in 3.1. Roulette is a game where players may choose to place bets on either a single number or a range of numbers, colors or whether the number is odd or even. The dealer spins the wheel in one direction and then spins the ball in the opposite direction. See the recommended site explaining bets for roulette (click link), and you can also find a roulette game for fun to test your roulette system. There are two types of roulette table layout, the American and the European roulette tables. The major difference between the two is the number of possible bets, with the American roulette table having 38 possible bets, the straight 1-36 number bets. A regular game of roulette has a 2.70 house edge, but with the help of the aforementioned rules, the house edge drops to a mere 1.35. The roulette wheel is exactly the same as the European wheel, and the rules allow you to either re-bet your money or withdraw half of your money and forfeit the other.
Roulette is by far and away the most popular wheel game played in casinos today, however even the keenest players have probably given very little thought to one of the most important aspects of the game the roulette wheel itself.
Roulette wheels have been around for hundreds of years and, while modern wheels may be more consistent and reliable than their older counterparts, the basics of the way they function and operate are the same as they were in 18th Century France. History of the Roulette Wheel
While roulette wheels have always contained numbered pockets that represented the numbers players could bet on during a game, the exact layout of the wheel has changed several times throughout history.
The first wheels that definitely used something similar to modern rules were found in Paris in 1796. The early version of the roulette wheel was similar to the modern American wheel and featured 36 numbers along with a zero and double zero. Early on, one of the zeroes was colored red, while the other was colored black. This was to make it clear that these spots would not win on even money bets. The zeroes were changed to green, a change that has remained to this day.
In 1843 a casino in Hamburg decided they wanted to attract players by offering a better roulette game than their competitors. They realized that even if they made changes that favored the player, roulette could still have enough of an edge for the casino to make the game profitable. This lead to the roulette table adopting a single zero wheel a game that remains known as European roulette today.
Meanwhile, roulette was also gaining popularity in the United States, albeit with a rather different style. The roulette wheel in America in the 19th century featured only 28 numbers, as well as a zero, a double zero, and the iconic American eagle symbol (which essentially acted as a third zero). This may be the version of roulette with the highest house edge in history, as single number bets paid 27-1 and there were 31 spots on the wheel. The house held a 9.68 advantage over players! Not surprisingly, this wheel would eventually fall out of fashion and the eagle was removed from the roulette wheel.
Eventually, the traditional French wheel the one with two zeroes made its way through New Orleans and into the United States, becoming the de facto standard there. Meanwhile, the German wheel became the one used in European casinos, leading to the situation today where both American roulette and European roulette have been allowed to flourish in different parts of the world. Both of these wheels now feature 36 numbered pockets divided evenly between red and black colors, while the zeroes one in European roulette, and two in American roulette are colored green.
Modern technology and the broadening of player tastes means we can expect to see some different styles of roulette wheels, be it online, digital or in a live casino. Recently Al Moe wrote about the , which features two sets of numbers on different rings, yet on the same wheel. It offers a whole world of new and exciting odds. We can expect to see more of these innovative designs in the future. CASINO BONUS RTP RATING REVIEW 1 TC APPLY PAYOUT 10 READ REVIEW PLAY NOW 2 TC APPLY PAYOUT 9.6 READ REVIEW PLAY NOW 3 TC APPLY PAYOUT 9.3 READ REVIEW PLAY NOW 4 TC APPLY PAYOUT 9 READ REVIEW PLAY NOW 5 TC APPLY PAYOUT 9.4 READ REVIEW PLAY NOW Roulette Wheel and Table Layouts
Although it may be difficult to discern a pattern when you look at the numbers on a roulette table, it should be noted that they are not randomly distributed. Instead, a specific order of numbers is used at most casinos, beginning with the single zero and moving from there. However, the pattern is (necessarily) different between the single-zero and double-zero wheels.
In European single-zero games, the pattern of numbers is especially important, as certain bets (known as French bets ) are commonly made that cover portions of the wheel. For instance, Voisins du zro (neighbors of zero) covers the 17 numbers that surround the zero on the wheel, including the zero itself. Other French bets cover thirds of the wheel, such as the 12 numbers between 27 and 33 on the layout (including those two numbers).
The colors associated with each number are not random either and follow a fairly simply pattern. For the number ranges 1-10 and 19-28, odd numbers are red, while even numbers are black. Conversely, in the number ranges 11-18 and 29-36, odd numbers are black and even numbers are red. European Roulette
European roulette is the form of roulette most commonly encountered in casinos in Asia, Europe and Africa. Online casinos do tend to offer both American and European roulette; however players who have the choice should virtually always choose an European roulette table as it offers far better odds to the players.
All European roulette games feature a single zero wheel, without the double-zero (00) found on American wheels. This is immediately beneficial for the player, as it lowers the house edge on most bets to just 2.7.
However, true European roulette games also feature what is known as the en prison rule. Under this rule, players at the roulette table will have a chance to recover their bets should they make a wager on any of the even money bets (such as odd/even or red/black) and see the ball land on the zero.
What exactly happens to bets in this case can vary depending on the rules at your casino. In some casinos, the player will immediately get half of their bet back, cutting the house edge to 1.35. However, the player may also choose to keep the bet imprisoned, hoping to win on the next spin.
Should the next spin result in a win for that bet the player will receive their entire bet back, while a loss will result in the loss of the entire bet. If the ball should land on zero again, the bet may be lost, held over again for the next spin, or become double-imprisoned depending on the rules at that casino. From the players perspective, however, simply surrendering half of their bet at the start is a slightly better bet than going through the imprisonment process.
European roulette games are also known for the French bets that are sometimes associated with them. On some European roulette table layouts you will see added betting areas that allow you to bet on specific regions of the wheel. These bets are particularly popular in high-stakes games. American Roulette
American roulette is the version of the game that is most often found in the Americas, particularly in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, and South American casinos. In this version, the roulette wheel traditionally contains 38 numbers. It has the numbers 1-36, as well as both a zero (0) and double zero (00).
With an American roulette table, nearly all bets pay out at odds that would be fair if it were not for the presence of the two zeroes. For instance, a single number bet pays 35-1 with the house edge being added by the zero and double zero spaces. Thus, on almost all bets, the house edge is 5.26.
In some casinos that spread American roulette, single-zero wheels are also available at higher limits. These games carry a house edge of 2.7, similar to most European roulette bets.
In Atlantic City casinos American roulette table rules are followed (including double-zero wheels), but players receive half of their money back if they have made an even money bet such as red/black and the ball lands on a zero. This changes the house edge on only those bets to 2.63. French Roulette Online
We should also take a moment to talk about a special version of European roulette that is known as French roulette . In almost all ways related to the rules of the game, French roulette is identical to European roulette. However, there are a couple of visual differences youll find while playing.
On a true French roulette table the table layout will typically have all of the numbers labelled in red. The red/black bet still exists, as the wheel itself still has half of the pocket numbers colored in black. This gives the table itself a very striking and elegant design.
A French casino roulette table layout will also typically include the French bets wagers that can be made in order to cover portions of the roulette wheel. These bets include the popular Voisins du Zero wager (Neighbors of Zero), which covers all of the numbers closest to the zero on the wheel.
French roulette will also use the standard en prison rule. In most French casinos (and many online French roulette games) the rule is referred to specifically as la partage, which refers to the version in which the player immediately receives half of their even money wagers back if a zero is spun. Other Roulette Variants
There are numerous variations of roulette found around the world, but a couple stand out as being particularly notable.
The first is known as California Roulette. This game is played exclusively at casinos in California, where state laws do not allow the use of a roulette wheel to directly determine the results of wagers. Instead, a combination of wheels and cards are used to pick numbers. This has absolutely no impact on the odds offered by the game, but it definitely gives the game a different feel.
One popular online roulette game is Mini-Roulette . In this simplified version of roulette, the wheel contains just 13 slots: the numbers 1-12 along with a single zero.
Much like in more traditional roulette games, the bets generally offer odds that would be fair if not for the zero. For example, a bet on a single number will normally pay out at 11-1. In addition, if the result of a spin is a zero, many Mini-Roulette games give players half of all losing bets back (except, of course, for bets on the zero itself). Difference Between Zero and Double Zero Table Layout
With double zero roulette, the house edge increases slightly. As a result, when given a choice between both games, shrewd players will naturally gravitate to zero roulette. The reason for this is that because zero and double zero roulette both introduce additional numbers, the house has additional chances to win, while the players payout remains at 35/1. In a game of zero roulette, the house edge sits at 2.63 versus 5.26 for double zero roulette due to the presence of an additional number the ball can fall on. Biased Roulette Tables
One of the most interesting aspects of playing at the roulette wheel and table is the idea that sometimes a roulette wheel may not be perfectly balanced. Whether because of a flaw in the creation of the wheel or due to damage accumulated from usage, some wheels may gradually begin to favor some numbers over others. If this bias is in any way significant, it is then possible for players to take advantage of this and hold an edge over the casino.
Players have been defeating biased wheels for well over a century, with famous instances of this occurring in 1873 and more recently in the 1990s. However, recent developments in wheel technology have made it far less likely for wheels to show significant bias.
Manufacturing standards have been improved to the point where wheels rarely show bias. Casinos are also able to constantly monitor their roulette wheels for signs that they might be developing any sort of bias. In addition, just in case bias appears that the casino fails to detect, many casinos rotate wheels from table to table, making it difficult (if not impossible) for players to keep accurate records of the result on any given roulette wheel.
Not all table bias is the fault of the casino or the roulette wheel and table manufacturer it should be noted; the mere act of a player leaning against the table can be enough to upset its careful balance. Diligent casinos will take special care to level their wheels, and perform regular checks to ensure that these remain level. This does not prevent cynical teams or individual players from leaning against the table, however, in the hopes of gaining a fleeting advantage.
You can read more about biased wheels here .
Less experienced players often fall prey to the misconception winning in a game of roulette is solely based on luck. While this is true to a great extent, understanding the layout of a roulette table can help one place smarter bets and increase their chances of leaving the casino on profit . More importantly, novices should keep in mind there are differences in the wheels and the table layouts in the three variations of roulette American, European and French. Roulette Table Layout Differences Between American, French and European Roulette Layouts
The betting area on the roulette table is commonly referred to as the layout. We can distinguish three types of roulette table layouts American, French and European . The biggest difference between the American and the European layout is that the former has 0 and 00 sections, while the latter has only a 0 section. The number of possible bets one can place is also different. Due to the additional zero section on the layout for American roulette, the numbers on the wheel are positioned in a different order than those in the European variation.
Many inexperienced players often fail to make a distinction between European and French roulette. And indeed, both varieties of the game share certain rules and have similar odds and house edge because of the single-zero wheel. However, the main difference between the two variants does not lie in the gameplay, but is purely cosmetic , so to speak, as the layout of the tables is different.
For example, in European roulette, the wheel is positioned at the end of the table while in French roulette, it is located in the middle of the table. Another characteristic of the French variant is that it actually has two layouts, allowing more players to join the game at a single table.
Language is another way to distinguish the two layouts. In most cases, the labels in European roulette are written in English, while in the French variant, the names of the bets and all other wordings are strictly written in French. Just to provide an example, Odd and Even bets are written as Impair and Pair on the French layout, while Low and High bets are called Manque and Passe. Then again, 1st Dozen, 2nd Dozen and 3rd Dozen bets correspond to P12 (Premiere Douzaine), M12 (Moyenne Douzaine) and D12 (Dernier Douzaine).
This is often perceived as a setback for non-French speakers. However, when one is familiar enough with the game, they will not experience any issues while playing since the French layout is often similar to the one used in the European roulette tables. Introduction to Roulette
Roulette Layout
Roulette Wheel Types
Roulette House Edge
Roulette Inside Bets
Roulette Outside Bets Outside Bets
For many novices, the roulette table layout is intimidating but the truth of the matter is, it is actually quite easy to understand . If you take a glance at the layout, you will soon notice there are 18 numbers in red boxes and 18 numbers in black boxes. Respectively, there are 18 odd numbers and 18 even numbers . Numbers 1 through 18 are called Low numbers, while those from 19 to 36 go by the name of High numbers. European Roulette Free
Outside bets enjoy a great popularity among less experienced players as they have a higher probability of winning. However, the payouts for such bets are smaller. Outside bets can be subdivided into several categories Red or Black, Even or Odd, Low or High, Dozen, and Column bets .
There are two adjacent box areas on the layout, marked by red and black rectangles, but sometimes the words red and black are written down instead. This is where Red or Black bets are placed. As players have equal chances of winning or losing with this type of wager, Red or Black bets pay even money, or in other words 1 to 1 .
Even or Odd bets are based on the same principle only the player is trying to predict if the ball will land on an even or an odd number. Win at video poker . Even bets are placed in the grid positioned to the left of the Red bet box, while Odd bets are located to the right of the Black bet box. As the chances of winning or losing are again equal, the payout for Even or Odd bets is also 1 to 1 .
Low or High Bets are another type of wager less seasoned players commonly prefer. The box for Low bets is located to the left of the Even bet box and is marked 1 to 18. The High bet box is positioned to the right of the Odd bet box and is marked 19 to 36. Bet victor app . Both pay out 1 to 1.
The 36 numbers in the game can be divided into three groups, consisting of 12 numbers each . Towards the middle of the layout, there are three boxes where Dozen bets are placed. The boxes are marked 1st 12 for bets on the first twelve numbers, 2nd 12 for bets on number 13 to 24 and 3rd 12 for bets placed on numbers 25 to 36. How to play rumble . Dozen bets have a slightly higher payout of 2 to 1 .
Another option is to place a Column bet as the 36 numbers on the layout can be divided into three separate columns with 12 numbers each. Below each column, there is a box that says 2-1 this is where the chips for Column bets are placed. The marking also corresponds to the payout for winning Column bets .
The Snake bet is one more wager type roulette lovers can opt for. As it seems, many roulette players, especially the inexperienced ones, prefer to steer clear of such wagers as they seem a bit intimidating at first glance. The numbers Snake bets cover are a total of 12 and include 1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 32, and 34. As it might have already hit you, these are all red numbers . European Roulette Wheel
This wager type has got its name from the snake-like pattern that is formed as soon as the above-mentioned numbers are covered. A payout of 2:1 is offered when Snake bets are settled as winning ones. What casino enthusiasts should keep in mind about this wager type is that it is rather exotic, which is the reason why it is not available across all land-based casinos. Inside Bets
More daring players opt for placing Inside bets . These are riskier as ones chances of winning with such bets are significantly lower, so understandably the payouts are higher . There are five subtypes of inside bets in a game of European roulette, but the American variation has one additional side bet.
A Straight Up bet is placed on a single number and pays out 35 to 1. With such wagers, the chips will be placed within the square of the preferred number. Split bets are placed on two numbers which are adjacent to one another horizontally or vertically and have a payout of 17 to 1. This time, the chips are moved to the line between the chosen two numbers. Another type of Inside bet is the Street bet, placed on three numbers located on the same horizontal line on the layout, for example, numbers 7, 8, and 9. Street bets have a payout of 11 to 1 . With such wagers, the chips are positioned on both sides of the line, more specifically, on the outer edge of the numbers.
With Square bets, the chips are placed in the middle point between four numbers on the layout an example would be a wager on 5, 6, 8 and 9. Winning Square bets have a payout of 8 to 1 . When you go for this wager type, the chips will be placed on the corner between the two rightmost or leftmost numbers you have chosen.
Six Line bets cover six numbers positioned next to one another with a single chip and pays out 5 to 1 . In the American variation of the game, there is one additional wager, called the Five Number bet . The latter covers five boxes of numbers as the name itself suggests 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3 and pays out 6 to 1. The probability of making a winning Five Number bet is 13.16, which comes to explain why this is not such a well-preferred betting option. Such bets are also known as Top Line bets.
While playing any of the single-zero roulette variants, gambling aficionados will be permitted to place a First Four bet . Going for this wager type will mean that the numbers you wish to cover are 0, 1, 2, and 3. This bet type is popular with roulette players also as Basket bet , and the payoffs it provides are 6:1.
The Trio bet , on the other hand, is a three-number bet, in which at least one zero should be included. Thus, while playing European roulette, players will bet on 0, 1, 2, or 0, 2, 3, while in American roulette, the covered numbers will be 00, 2, and 3. The payoffs offered for winning Trio bets are 11:1 . The Racetrack
Even if you are making your first steps in playing roulette, you might already be aware that aside from inside and outside bets, you can also go for announced or call bets . These are wagers that are made on groups of numbers, and what is specific about them is that they are unavailable in American roulette. Furthermore, gambling enthusiasts should be aware that call bets are handled using several chips.
The racetrack is an additional section from the betting layout that is available across roulette variants that allow for call bets. This is an oval betting zone that is normally positioned next to or above the standard betting layout . By closer inspection of the racetrack, players will notice that it mimics the structure of the wheel that is used in French and European roulette, which means that the numbers that are displayed there are 0 through 36.
Please note that the order of the numbers in the racetrack is precisely the same as the manner in which they are arranged in the roulette wheel. Some of the wagers players can make include Neighbours, Full Completes, Tiers du Cylindre, Orphelins, Voisins du Zero, and Zero Spiel .
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